
大體的意思就是說, 在以色列北部生活著馬龍派基督徒. 他們的母語叫亞蘭語或阿拉美語, 這種語言被認為是耶穌所說的語言. 一個世紀以前, 這種語言還是這些基督徒生活圈裡的日常用語, 由於以色列教育部門用希伯來語和阿拉伯語來取代亞蘭語做為教育用語, 如今僅有不到5%的人自認能流利的使用它. 現在有一個基督徒開始了復興這種語言的計畫, 他選擇在他兄弟所辦的教會學校裡面教孩子說這種語言. 這個計畫已開始三個月, 並招收到百來名學生, 這兩個兄弟希望在聖誕節的時候, 這個復興計畫能夠延伸到大多數以色列境內的馬龍派社區.

Language of Jesus stars on football field

In a small church north of Nazareth a group of children are reinventing the spoken tongue of Jesus Christ.

“Hallelujah, blessed be the Lord,” yells out one boy, 7, in Aramaic, in a manner that would not disgrace a rap artist. Near by a girl clutching a pink bag copies down the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic script, dotting her lines with tiny hearts.

Scholars believe that Jesus gave his Sermon on the Mount on the rolling hills surrounding this church. Two thousand years later these students are the newest members of the Christian Maronite community who have decided to reinstate Aramaic as their daily spoken language.

Maronites study the language to understand religious texts but in the village of Jish Aramaic is returning as the language of the common man.

A century ago Aramaic was the street language of the Maronite community. Today fewer than 5 per cent of the population regard themselves as fluent. “Our goal is to revitalise Aramaic,” said Shadi Khalloul, who is co-director with his brother of the church’s Aramaic school. When a language is lost a part of the culture is lost. Certain songs, traditions, practices can only be understood in the language they were created, he said. “This is the language of Jesus, we understand Him best through His own tongue.”

In the three months since they began the programme the Khalloul brothers have enrolled more than 100 students. They hope that by next Christmas they will be reaching most of Israel’s 7,000-strong Maronite community.

The Maronites, who date from the 4th century, are scattered in small communities around the world, with the largest group in Lebanon. Mr Khalloul feels that other communities have limited their study of the language to religious scholars. “We look to the Jews as an example. The Jews revitalised their language,” he said. “Last century nearly no one spoke Hebrew. Now the language is living again.”

Israel’s creation has contributed to the decline of the Maronite community. The Education Ministry mandates that the two official languages, Hebrew and Arabic, are taught in schools instead of Aramaic. Maronites have long been barred from returning to their ancestral village of Bir’im on the border between Israel and Lebanon. “We are fighting to maintain our identity. Aramaic is a central part of that,” Mr Khalloul said.

May Shkhady, 8, a pupil in the school, said that while studying the language had enlivened church services for her, she mostly enjoyed using it among her friends. “I love learning Aramaic because it is the language of Jesus. It’s like a secret language that we can talk between us.”

After classes children play football. The language in which Jesus preached is now used by young speakers to shout intructions to each other that the rival team can’t understand. “It’s good to know that if Jesus were playing football, He’d be on our team,” said one boy.

Found in translation

What is your name? Moon shmokh?

And where are you from? Ow men aydo atro at?

Brilliant! Saggee shapeer!

Children are learning Aramaic Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name Abba debashmaya nethqadash shmak
最愛還是閩東語(Eastern Ming Language)..., 欲罷不能.


Tshṳ̂-pui Avalokiteśvara Phŏ-sat pó-hō tshuân-ke-nâng jît-jît phêng-an!
蹉跎莫遣韶光老 人生唯有讀書好 學須靜也  才須學也

1胎tho 2讨thó 3退thò 4托thoh
5逃tô 6在tŏ 7袋tō 8夺tôh





不少人專程前去馬盧拉,為的是要一聽這已有三千年歷史,與希伯來語十分相近的純正亞蘭語。對馬盧拉的基督徒而言,保存亞蘭語是一個呼召。St. Sergius教堂的Toufic Eid神父表示很有興趣保存亞蘭語,因為它是耶穌基督的語言。



最愛還是閩東語(Eastern Ming Language)..., 欲罷不能.
