
I have scanned some pages from Douglas', MacGowan's and Doty's. But as I cannot upload pics here, please go to http://dic.timluo.net/amoy/ and click on the .jpg files for your reference.


Lô Chín-Khun

回復 #11 timluo 的帖子

Thank you, Tim. The resolution is acceptable.

This is a very very old book so I'm sure its copyright has already expired. Could you please digitize the whole dictionary? I know it must be a time-consuming job but it's really worth the effort. With all pages available, I will integrate those images into a PDF book so that everyone of us can get it free.
Three C's define me: Chinese by birth; Canadian by choice; Christian by grace.
I can try to scan the whole book. Please be patient as it might take quite a long time.

Lô Chín-Khun
Kám-siā! Hòng-sim, chit-pún chheh ê pán-koân khéng-tēng kè-kî ah, chit-mái í-keng chiâⁿ-tsòe kong-kiōng tsâi-sán ah.
鹭水芗南-闽南语部落(http://hokkienese.com/)  ·
原帖由 timluo 於 2007-9-21 11:01 發表
I can try to scan the whole book. Please be patient as it might take quite a long time.

Thanks a lot!
Three C's define me: Chinese by birth; Canadian by choice; Christian by grace.
I have finished the first 120 pages or so and put them under http://dic.timluo.net/amoy/Douglas/. I will try to reduce the color depth when I have finished the entire book.

As to the copyright thing, of course it has been in the public domain for quite a long time.

Lô Chín-Khun

我建议把这帖转到我 研究材料 版块去 .或者复制一帖
原帖由 鴻雁於飛 於 2007-9-22 12:55 發表

I will put newly scanned pages under that same directory each night around 11pm. The dictionary itself should be completed by Monday. And if all goes well, the Supplement can be ready by Tuesday too. The supplement will be under a different directory.

Hope for the Best!

Lô Chín-Khun